Feb 23, 2021
This week, Bill asks if he can avoid paying taxes on 401 (k) withdrawals to pay for LTC insurance. Diane shares how tax-qualified accounts can be used to build tax-free long term care benefits. There are a lot of numbers in this episode, so you may want to listen twice to take it all in. The concept is more important...
Feb 16, 2021
This week, Dawn Hudson with Bliss Wellness Market in Tampa, Florida, asks what happens if we still need help after our LTC insurance has been exhausted. Diane shares both what happens and how to be prepared if we outlive our coverage. For asking, we'll send Dawn a gift to say thank you for contributing to help us help...
Feb 2, 2021
This week, Jackie in Pensacola, FL, asks how to select the right home care agency for her mom's needs. Diane shares several questions that need to be asked when interviewing agencies. Having LTC insurance allows us to choose where we live when we need help living. Most of us would choose "home" if given...