Jul 25, 2024
There are many professionals from whom you can purchase LTC insurance, but an LTC Planning Specialist is going to have the most knowledge and training about all the options that can be available based on unique needs of each person or family.
This week I'm sharing what to watch out for when you work with different kinds of professionals. I'm not saying that every representative who does not specialize in LTC will not do a good job.
I'm sharing things to watch out for because this is one of the most important decisions you'll make regarding your family's future.
You need to be sure you are protecting those you love and your life savings using the most appropriate method to meet your needs.
LTC Planning Specialists are not afraid to ask the hard questions that need to be asked to do the job right.
LTC Planning Specialists will wait for the best opportunities for you to be approved.
Schedule with me to learn how you can protect your family, savings and choices at a time when you may be the most vulnerable. https://calendly/com/diane-p4t/30min
email me at diane@preparing4tomorrow.com to ask a question