Oct 25, 2023
Carmen asked if her LTC insurance plan that she bought in South Carolina can be accessed if she moves to another state or country. It can, but when you are in the planning stages, we need to consider how state Partnership protection differs in different states as well as the cost of the type of care you would like in the state or country where you will reside during retirement.
FYI, the Partnership protected amounts today are still $2000 for the spouse needing care, and in 2023, the community spouse can keep $148,620 in assets. With Medicaid, income will also be counted and may be required to be used to pay for care before Medicaid starts paying.
It's alos important to consider who will be helping you, and which insurance companies offer more flexible coverage options. https://www.genworth.com/aging-and-you/finances/cost-of-care.html shows both today's costs and expected future costs of care in many cities across the U.S. After viewing this, schedule a meeting with me to help you leverage your risk and pretect your family financially, physically and emotionally at https://calendly.com/diane-p4t/60min